Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Repeat WFMW!

Today it is Works For Me Wednesday hosted by Mrs. Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer

My WFMW Tip is a time saver! In our house, shoes take too long to put into each little bin in a shoe caddy. For a child, this is too difficult and time taking, and the shoes will most likely not make it into its place, triggering long hours of shoe finding when they are needed. Instead of caddies, my sister and I use a box to keep our shoes in. All we have to do is toss the shoe into the box, rather than having to place each individual shoe into the caddy. Not only is it easier for little ones, most adult sized shoes do not fit in a caddy, and it saves time!

For more great WFMW Tips, check out: Rocks In My Dryer

Don't forget to visit my brother Joshua's blog at: On The Path To Manhood



Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I also have a shoe 'bucket'...wow how that helps..they can at least be in the same general area..WFM!

Nikki said...

Great tip. My hubby's cousin tosses all their shoes into a large basket by the door. And so true about adult shoes not fitting in little caddies!

Anonymous said...

Greaat idea! Thanks for sharing! =)

Ms. Kathleen said...

I completely agree with you. Boxes are great!