My Frugal Friday tip is Ribbon Bookmarks. You can make these for under 25 cents!
First, you cut a length of ribbon about 10-20 inches long. Coat each end of the ribbon with clear nail polish or Aileen's Craft Glue. Slide a bead onto the ribbon, then fold in half. Tie a knot under where your bead is.
Here is a picture to demonstrate:

Now, tie knots about an inch from the bottom of each loose end.

You are finished!
Here is what they look like finished:

You can put beads on the bottoms if you would like, but that is optional.
For more great Frugal Friday tips, you can visit Mrs. Crystal at Biblical Womanhood.
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for our family. We are having some issues right now and can really use some prayer.
Today I Am Thankful For:
Today I am thankful for the beautiful day we have outside and for our safety during the catastrophic storms that came through yesterday.
Scripture Meditation:
1 Kings 4:29
"Solomon's Wisdom
29 God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore."
Have a great day!
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